Monday, November 30, 2009

How to Defeat a Goblin on your Server LOL!

Welcome to my blog.

My first post is dedicated to a character called Markco from

You could say he inspired my blog.

Two weeks ago he blogged about a crisis so dire that it threatened to end the world....of Warcraft.

When the sub title of the post blared "Greedy Goblin 'PWNs' JMTC" out of my news feed I knew that this was going to be juicy.

In a nutshell the drama was centred around a post by Gevlon, the Greedy Goblin on his blog.

Gevlon posted communications between Markco and himself and then his analysis of the request. WOW! Did this ever light a fire? Claws out!! Markco, caught with his pants down, posted a rebuttal on his own blog, the best sort of post too. One can almost see the spittle flying from his lips as he furiously mashed the keyboard vehemently typing his defense. As seen in Gevlon's post Markco was asking a fellow blogger, Gevlon, to promote his (Markco's) gold making guide. All fine and good, except, as can be seen in Markco's letter, the request was all but above board.

Markco was asking Gevlon to rain that special kind of "hate" that only Gevlon can give, on other gold guides and then comment that Markco's guide was the only one worth considering...just don't forget to put that link to my gold guide Gevlon, it will make you rich!! (Gevlon reading paid for gold making guides + 10 LOL points)

Gevlon wasn't too impressed with this. So he dumped the raw email, and a subsequent email from Markco, onto his blog. Said email included Markco's real life email at Lockheed Martin (+10 LOL and +10 Fail points).

Well the chat turned into a brawl with posts back and forth on both Gevlon's and Markco's blogs and spilling over to include other big guns in the WOW blogosphere.

Sadly, much of the juiciness is lost (+ 10 Sad points). Many of the best comments were left on Markco's blog. Despite Markco deriding the open and honest policy espoused by the Greedy Goblin, in which he deletes posts that he deems worthless, Markco mercilessly removed the whole post from his website (+10 hypocrisy points....Hey I didn't know that was a category...Well it is now so shut up!).

In Markco's next post relating to the subject, 'How to Defeat a Goblin on your Server'* he detailed a plan of how to "defeat" auction house goblins, from the school of Gevlon. His scheme had more holes than a sieve, and the comments began to reflect this. Of course this was too much for his ego, his "master plan" wasn't as well received as he had wished (+10 Fail points). OPERATION CENSORSHIP went into effect. Comments are now subject to moderation and "All comments must be approved by the blog author." (+10 hypocrisy points)

If you look at the comments now you can see the skeleton of a decent debate, Markco deleted several posts that disagreed with him (oooh how Gevlon like). And now the tyrant reigns supreme again over his blog.

Posts before the clampdown: 27 (not including several deleted posts)
Posts after the clampdown: 1 (Anonymous said... Go get them irritating low-life goblins! I intend to do the same on my server <3)

Markco: "I like to think of it as out-goblining the goblins. What do you think of my master plan? Comment!"...or not (+10 hypocrisy points) Censoring the Internet (+10 LOL points).

Markco I think you need to rename this post "How to Defeat Yourself on your own Blog" (+ 20 Fail points)

*This was not an attack on Gevlon, as Markco is "over" the incident. Just goblins in general, perhaps the greedier ones, capitalised for extra effect of course...lets just call them Greedy Goblins...not related at all to the The Greedy Goblin, mind you! (+10 LOL points).

LOL rating: 40
Sad rating: 10
Hypocrisy rating: 30
Fail rating: 40


  1. You do know that Tobold IS Gevlon, right?

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